صفحه اصلی

Carpalimersbhan Co. Manufacturer of activated carbon fabric used in masksContact –
02634764076 –
09101855693The technology of activated carbon fabrics has been used for many years in developed countries and is very reliable. For the first time in Iran and the region, Carbon Irick Development has offered different media of this fabric for industrial, medical and defense purposes.Contact –
02634764076 –
09101855693Production of nano-polymer fabrics byContact –
02634764076 –
Carpalimersbhan Co. Manufacturer of activated carbon fabric used in masksContact –
02634764076 –
09101855693The technology of activated carbon fabrics has been used for many years in developed countries and is very reliable. For the first time in Iran and the region, Carbon Irick Development has offered different media of this fabric for industrial, medical and defense purposes.Contact –
02634764076 –
09101855693Production of nano-polymer fabrics byContact –
02634764076 –
Applications of activated carbon fabric

Activated carbon fabrics in filtration

Activated carbon fabrics have a very high absorption rate for different types of gases and liquids due to their very porous structure and high surface area. Therefore, they are very suitable for air and water filtration. This technology has been used in developed countries for many years. Be

Active Carbon Fabrics Physician

Activated carbon fabrics as a protective, antimicrobial and anti-odor layer (new medical dressings)
, Effective filters and methods are used for separation in the medical sector

Activated Carbon Fabrics Personal protective equipment

In the defense sector, protection against a wide range of chemical, biological and nuclear factors is required.
Activated carbon fabrics provide the best protection against these factors in the defense sector

Top manufacturer

Basparkala, owned by Karaplimer Sobhan Company, registration number 35426, located in Alborz Science and Technology Park.

Quality and support

Quality production, providing products and services at the highest quality level, is the commitment of our work team to the people and customers of our fundamental values.

Registration of production request

Sobhan Carplimer is proud to customize the production of activated carbon fabrics according to the special needs of customers and solve the challenges facing them.

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